Alison Bannister headshot
Alison Bannister
Vice President of Operations
As head of client success and operations, I serve as a strategic and supportive partner to our clients at every stage in their journey. In my role I am responsible for the organization, planning and successful delivery of Kinavic Leadership Acceleration’s engagements.  
Favorite Problem to Solve
I have a knack for directing sales and recruiting operations in growth focused firms. I enjoy developing and streamlining processes to strategically fuel organizational advancement.
Unique Perspective
I’ve spent the majority of my career in professional services firms; primarily aligned to operationally and strategically supporting major accounts in recruiting and operational leadership roles. I identify closely with the challenges associated with talent attraction, development, and retention and the desire to make a meaningful impact on the experience and success of teams but no bandwidth or expertise to deliver the results we seek.
What I Value Most
I appreciate an organization that has a point of view. Kinavic Leadership Acceleration uniquely leverages science backed data with experience and expertise. This means we advise and make recommendations – and we also build roadmaps that, when implemented, make substantial impacts on the success and growth of organizations. 
I chose to come to Kinavic Leadership Acceleration because I believe there is a huge opportunity in the market today for leaders and organizations to evaluate their current talent strategies and make a substantial shift in how they select, retain and accelerate talent.

A theme especially designed for business consulting agencies & companies